Opening a workspace file with the code command works similar to opening directories: code-workspace Workspace File with the code Command Use the -reuse-window flag to tell Code to reuse the existing frontmost window instead. Use the code command followed by one or more directory names to open the directories in a new Visual Studio Code window:Ĭode will open a new window for the directories. Opening a Directory with the code Command Use the -new-window flag to force Visual Studio Code to open a new window for the specified files. md) files in the current directory in Code.īy default, the files will be opened in an existing Code window if one is available. Running the code command with one or more filenames will open those files in the Visual Studio Code GUI: The next few sections will show you a few ways to use it. If your output includes a version string, you’ve successfully installed the Visual Studio Code command line interface. Verify that the install was successful by running code with the -version flag: You now have the code command line command installed. You may be prompted to enter your administrator credentials to finish the installation process.

Press ENTER to run the highlighted command. It should autocomplete to the correct command which will read Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH: This will open a prompt near the top of your Code window. Bring up Code’s Command Palette by typing Command+Shift+P on Mac, or Control+Shift+P on Windows and Linux:

Visual Studio Code provides a built-in command to install its command line interface. If this is your first time opening the app, the default screen will have a icon bar along the left, and a default welcome tab: To do so, first launch the normal Visual Studio Code graphical interface. You may need to install the Visual Studio Code command line interface before using it. Installing the Visual Studio Code Command Line Interface Please refer to the official Setting up Visual Studio Code documentation to find out how to install Code for your platform. To complete this tutorial, you’ll need to have Visual Studio Code installed. In this tutorial, you’ll install the Visual Studio Code command line interface and learn how to use it to open files and directories, compare changes between files, and install extensions. It uses web technologies such as JavaScript and CSS, which has helped facilitate a large ecosystem of community-created plugins to extend its functionality into many different programming languages and features.

Visual Studio Code is a free, open-source, and cross-platform text editor developed primarily by Microsoft.